Sunday, October 28, 2012


Yesterday we had a few plans. Nathan had his swim class and I had a baby shower to attend. Afterwards we were going to get some groceries and do some cleaning.

But then we got a call from a couple that we were friends with in college, Brad and Jennifer. Brad and Marcus were roommates for several years and Brad was a groomsman in our wedding.

They were in town and wanted to know if we wanted to get together for dinner along with another couple we're friends with.

We haven't seen them in about 4 years so I was excited. Marcus said they didn't have their kids with them and the other couple (Lloyd and Shelly) were looking for a sitter for their daughter.

We didn't want to be the only ones with our kids with us. No one would have minded but I longed for a dinner with friends without kids.

I called my parents and they agreed to keep the kids for us. And even suggested they keep them all night since we were planning on driving to my home town the next morning anyways to visit their church.

Score! A spontaneous date night? yes, please.

Nathan was super excited to go see Papa Terry and even looked at me after I told him the plans and said "yanno Mommy, your dad is suuuper silly..." I said "of course he is, that's why I'm so silly!"

So we had the rare privilege of having a nice dinner (endless shrimp...mmmm) with a few friends sans kids. I was able to eat at a slow pace and taste my food instead of inhaling it while making sure my kids ate something.

I was able to stay seated the entire meal without emergency bathroom runs or picking up a kid off the floor who fell out of their seat for the third time.

I was able to have a great conversation without interrupting the other person so I can tell my kid to stop rubbing butter on their nose.

Granted- we mostly talked about our kids and adventures in parenting. But it was still a great conversation and dinner. One of those where when you leave you realize you were only there for a little over two hours yet it felt like four.

We went home to a quiet house and raided our kid's Halloween candy while watching tv and didn't go to bed til 1am.

This morning I feel somewhat refreshed. It was nice to have some time away from the kids- especially out at a restaurant. We're at that point in our lives that we don't really remember what it was like before having kids. When we just had to take care of ourselves and clean up our own messes.

I wouldn't trade being a mommy for anything. I love it. I love them. But some time for myself? Every mom needs that.


We're driving out to my home church and then this afternoon is the first Halliday-Crumbacher Annual Egg Roll Party. We're getting together with friends to make a hundred homemade egg rolls- should be fun :) We've even planned a cute craft for the kids to keep them occupied while we cook- of course plans like that seem to backfire so we'll see.

Have a great Sunday!

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