Thursday, October 18, 2012

Bread Tie Troll

There is a furry little creature in my house.

And I'm not talking about the dog.

Or my hairy husband (sorry babe)

It's a troll.

Yep, you read that right.

An evil little troll that probably has poofy neon hair of some sort and a devious little grin.

This troll lives for ONE THING ONLY...


They are constantly on his mind and he's got quite a collection going. He may even be eligible for the Guinness Book Of World Records because by my (rough) calculations he has about 14,648 bread ties saved up.

You see. I know he exists because all of the time I will take the bread tie off of the bread and sit it down RIGHT NEXT to me. Remove my slices of bread. Grab the plastic and do the "bread spin" to close the opening and then reach to grab the bread tie and it's not there! It's NO where to be found! This even happens when the counter is free of clutter.

I'm bewildered.

My husband doesn't believe me. He thinks I'm to blame for the bizarre phenomenon of the bread tie disappearances.

In fact I came home the other day and saw this on the marker board in the kitchen.

I guess he thinks I need to actually be educated on how to tie the bread tie. I don't have problems tying it- it just disappears!

Darn troll.


  1. At our house, it's a clothespin troll. I take the pin off a bag of spinach (or chips, FINE WHATEVER), and by the time I want to close it up again the pin is GONE.

    1. Yes! We also have one of those! He's the cousin of the bread tie troll. Our chip troll doesn't make it's appearance as often. He's shy (or maybe it's because I take it off the bag, eat the whole bag, and then never need to look for it to put the bag away...nah it couldn't be that heh)


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