Thursday, January 24, 2013

Goodbye Helmet!!!!!

Here are links to the previous posts regarding the cranial molding helmet.

1st post2nd post

Luke had his very last helmet appointment recently which consisted of the final scan.

They placed the sock like thing on his head and a few minutes later- voila- a 3D image of my baby's noggin.

(the red cheek is from eczema- that's a whole 'notha post)

They went over the numbers with me and I actually wasn't too impressed. The main number that I wanted to see decrease is the one that compares the length of two diagonal lines that form an "X" with the baby's head. (View the 2nd post for a diagram) A perfectly symmetrical head would have a zero difference in the length of the imaginary lines (of course no one is perfectly symmetrical)

At his very first appt there was a 13mm difference. You have to have over a 6 for insurance to cover a helmet so we were way above that.

At the next scan it was an 8. Much better!! But the orthotist and I decided to make another helmet hoping to get him closer to 6.

Yesterday it was an 11?! I have no idea why it's still that much of a difference but it is still better than 13.

The issue with Luke's head is the part that needs reshaping protrudes. You can't really fix that because you can't force his head in on that side. All you can really do is guide the areas that don't stick out enough trying to get the skull to even out.

Here is his before and after.

The left scan he is 7 months- the right side he is a little over 16 months.

You can see how his head still sticks out a lot on the right but the back left did round out a bit. The really good thing that happened is the width to length radio is much better. He was 3+ the standard deviation before the helmet and now he is +1. Basically my baby's head is longer from front to back than it was so that's good, but the right side sticks out a lot so that's bad.

You can also see in the picture on the right side image that his left cheek protrudes still because the left side of his head had shifted forward. Most people don't notice it but his left cheek is more "poofy" if you will.

I'm glad we did the helmet because although it wasn't quite the result I was hoping for- I do believe that it kept it from getting worse. If we had not done the helmet the left side of his skull would probably kept migrating forward.

His ears are lined up more than they were but the left ear is stills more towards his face.

We're glad the helmet is no more! Luke especially- I think he secretly is trying to destroy it- it gets it and starts throwing it all over the house. He'll bring it to me and I'll say "what? Do you want me to put it on?" and he shakes his head and runs away giggling.

Now begin the bumps and bruises as he learns his head is no longer as protected! He's already developed some pretty ugly bruises on his forehead. Live and learn I guess! :o)
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