Thursday, October 4, 2012


Oh, my son. My firstborn. How he makes me laugh.



Sitting at QDoba...

"Mommy! We learned a new song a church this morning and now I can hear it in my head! :::grabs his head with both hands::: Can you believe it?! I can really hear it!!" (first time having a song stuck in his head)


Nathan: "Mommy- my stomach is growling"
Me: "Well- you will eat in the morning" (this was an attempt to get out of bed, and he wasn't starving because he had plenty for dinner) all seriousness..."But I'm scared my stomach is going to get really mad at me"
(I then realize that he thinks a growling stomach is like a growling animal and might attack or something)


"Mommy- I don't like taking baths with Luke anymore. We need to get him a baby shower. I heard about them on tv"

Haha son- that's a party :)


....pointing at a huge flock of birds.... "Maybe they are going on a field trip."


Nathan: "Why is that car in their front yard?"
Me: "They are selling it."
Nathan: "Oh, that's a good idea because some people have too many cars and some people don't have a car. Maybe they will give it away. That would be nice. But why would they buy a car they didn't need if they have too many now? Maybe someone gave them a car and now they are giving it away. That's really nice. I want a car someday when I'm a daddy."

I love how he wonders all types of things. We can have long conversations about nothing really and they warm my heart.

(and I hope he has a car looong before he's a daddy...)


In the car...

Nathan: "Mommy...when I am a grown up will I still have a mommy?"
Me: "yes, I will always be your mommy"
Nathan: "But you will be old?"
Me: "I'll be older"
Nathan: "And then you will die?"
Me: "Yes, someday."
Nathan: "But I don't want you to die!"
Me: "But do you know where I will go when I die?"
Nathan: "Heaven?"
Me: "Yes ,because I believe in Jesus. And then if you choose to believe in Jesus you will go to heaven too. And when you show up I'll run up and hug you and be soooo happy to see you."
Nathan: (hopeful) "And I'll get to see Jesus too? Like really see him? And hug him? For real!?"
Me: "Yes!"
Nathan:" Yippee!!!! I'm SOOO excited!!!!"
Me: "Me too, son, me too."

I love his heart.

Even when he prays at night and thanks God for poop.



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