Tuesday, October 16, 2012

You did WHAT at the playground?!?!

There are moments when someone tells you your child did something when you were away from them and you think yep, that's definitely my child.

And then there are moments when you are wondering if your child's teacher thinks maybe you are another kid's parent because no way my kid did that, that doesn't even sound like something they would do!

Having two kids in daycare I hear all kinds of things from their teachers. Sometimes I'm filled with pride at what I hear and other times I want to crawl in the nearest hole or at least take a step away from my child and say "Why is this strange kid calling me mom?"(totally.kidding....sort of.)

Today was one of those moments.

Nathan's teacher told me that he took his pants AND underwear off during recess and ran around half naked. He's almost 5! Not a toddler anymore. Why would he think that's okay? I gave him the "we'll talk about this later" look (you know that look, right?) and we left.

Now I always give him a chance to tell his side of the story because many times there is a simple or somewhat reasonable explanation for his behavior.

On the way home I ask him why he took his clothes off at daycare and he said they were in the way. What? In the way? He says "yeah, I had to poop and my clothes were in the way."

Wait a minute, Nathan? Where did you poop?

And he says...

In the mulch.


The next few minutes I ask him some questions and put together the following story of what must have happened.

He had to go potty when they were outside and he told his teacher. She took him in and he went.

About 5-10 minutes later he asked to go potty again and she must have thought he just wanted to play in the restroom since he just went so she said no.

Well, Nathan...having to go to the bathroom and knowing he didn't want to go in his pants must have found a semi private spot and did his business. Outside. In the mulch.

So now I'm thinking I have to notify daycare of this for sanitary reasons!

(enter horrific visuals running through my mind of other kids finding this poop the next day)

Imagine that phone call "ummm, Hi, this is Nathan's mom, Amanda, just wanted to let you know he says he pooped in the playground today..." (of course I explained it little more :::ahem::: gracefully than that)

After I tell the whole story to the poor girl who answered the phone she ended the phone call with a not-so-enthusiastic "I guess I better go look for that poop."

I then talked to Nathan about appropriate times to be naked and how to convey to the teacher that he really has to go.

Not long later the owner called me back and we talked and laughed about the situation. I guess they changed their policy now because of this that if a kid asks to go they will always take them even if they think the kid isn't serious.

I wasn't really looking for a policy change.

Just wanted to warn them there could be poop in the mulch.

Oh, boy.

There's a bit more detail to this story about if they ever found the poop- but I don't think the Internet world is really ready for that just yet haha. And I must also add that I love my kids' daycare and I think they handle things very well.

So tell me- what was your parenting moment that was so embarrassing it made you want to crawl in a hole? Kids are worth it but it's definitely an adventure to raise them!


  1. Bahahahaha!!! Oh that's too funny.

    Well, I've had a million. My kids won't allow me *any* pride. The best was the time when we were in the process of moving into our house. My friend from elementary-high school came by to mow our grass, since we didn't have everything to take care of stuff yet. My kids were playing in the sand left behind from the previous owners in the backyard, when my friend turned his head away quickly and said, "Uh, Dana... I think you better check on your kids." They were both strip-stark naked, playing in the sand and running around the yard with 4 sets of cheeks (facial and bottom-al) flapping in the wind. They thought it was protocol, since they knew you took your shoes off. Of course, you take your clothes off too! Everyone knows that, right? Oh. my. word. Hahahaha!!!

    Then there was the time Jacob (at about 4) decided to play tom toms on a little girls butt while standing in line waiting for the zip line on the playground. Her brother saw it, and confronted him like he was going to beat Jacob up, then ran off to tell his parents. Knowing how some parents are these days... The thought of a child actually being innocent and non-sexual when touching another kid's butt probably doesn't cross the minds of many. And they probably just assumed I taught him that (which...gulp...I guess I did inadvertently when I playfully swatted his cute little bottom as a toddler). I didn't know what to do, so I grabbed Jacob and Kiki and high-tailed it to the walking trails as fast as I could before the kid returned with his parents. Hahahaha!! I was so mortified. I wanted to crawl in a hole and die. :-P Those are just two of the million. Hahaha!!

    1. I remember the sand box story! I guess if anyone never wants to be embarrassed they just shouldn't have children because it's part of the package- especially when they show their package haha.


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