Friday, September 28, 2012

Smish Smash (Randoms)

It seems everyone is lovin' them some fall.

It's always been my favorite time of year as well. Sweaters, pumpkins, crinkly dry leaves, the colors? Oh the colors. God didn't have to do that. He could have made the dead leaves turn an ugly brown when they were dying. But maybe, just maybe, He wanted to show us that death can be beautiful. That dying to ourselves- laying our life down and taking up His life for us- is the most beautiful thing. I know, I know, I can read into anything. But I can't help it- the leaves always make me think about salvation.


Speaking of fall- I got out my fall decorations the other day and laughed. For some reason I was thinking I had quite a bit but only pulled out a few things from the container. That's ok- it doesn't take much to put me in the fall mood. Hoping to slowly acquire some more fall decor in the future.


Running? Ehhhh not-so-much.

I mentioned wanting to start running a little but honestly haven't had the chance. Marcus has traveled recently for work and I don't have a double stroller or treadmill so I haven't been able to figure out when to run. I know- excuses excuses.

It's still something I want to do but for now I'm thinking about doing an at home workout routine that I can do after the kids go to bed. At least until Marcus isn't as busy with work. Aug-Nov is always his busiest season.


I'm trying to adapt to our temporary new routine which involves a lot more time at church. This week I was at church three nights in a row. Everything we are involved in is temporary and although I knew it would be chaotic doing it all at once we did it anyway.

Tuesday night I had the opportunity to go to a mom's night out event and twisted her arm encouraged Leslie to join me. It was just a fun time doing a family tree painting.

This was mine.

I'm not done with it yet. See the squiggly thing in the orange leaf on the left side? I was writing "M" to put "Marcus" in the leaf (each leaf is a family member) but the marker they had bled so I've yet to add the names. Also they only had poster paint to paint with instead of acrylic so it was a bit difficult since the paint was really thin. But that's ok- still a fun night out!


These? Auhmazing!


About two weeks ago I decided to stop pumping milk at work and still continue to nurse when I'm with Luke (typically morning, after daycare, and before bed) This does mean my very little remaining stash of milk is almost depleted because one night a week Luke is put to bed by a babysitter and I have her give him a small bottle. However, that's ok because in a way I'm freeee!!! Free from that pump at least. I don't mind not being completely free from Luke yet. He's not ready to be done nursing yet and I'm not either so we're just gonna keep on keepin' on. Plus it's literally the only time I get a chance to hold my wiggly worm. He is so not a cuddlier like Nathan is.


This movie looks awesome and according to Karen Kingsbury (my all time favorite author) it's one of the best movies she's ever seen.

It has a limited release in select theaters (none near me, unfortunately) but hopefully it does well and is released more widely. It seems like an amazing story and is inspired by true events about the loss of loved ones, struggles of faith, and revelations of just how much God loves us.

If it's in a theatre near you check it out and support this movie with a great message.

Have a great weekend!

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