Saturday, August 11, 2012

Phobias (and a trip to the park)

I ran some errands with the boys today and ended up taking them to the park with some lunch.

It was a beautiful day!!

When we got there I realized I have not taken my boys to a park in about 11 months (Luke was a newborn) and felt a twinge of guilt. But then I remembered that I have taken them to an indoor play gym many times during the winter and Nathan gets to go to the park sometimes with daycare so I didn't feel so bad.

After a diaper change in the back of the car and a trip to the restrooms (which were surprisingly clean for a park restroom) we sat down and enjoyed our lunch.

This is Nathan asking me sincerely if we could eat our lunch in the 80 foot tree. Um, no son. No.

With full bellies we all headed to the play area. The pea gravel was interesting to walk in and I realized quickly that you cannot push a stroller in it. I felt silly for having even tried! All of the other mommas were eyeing me like "is she really going to try to push that stroller?"

Luke loved the little spring sit on toys.

It took him a bit to figure out how it worked but then once he got it going I was concerned he was going to give himself whiplash! He sat there rocking for awhile with his head down. Then he would look up and look around like "hmm...let's see how far I have gone!"


While Nathan ran around depleting his energy I sat on a bench with Luke. I kept trying to get him to sit in the pea gravel and play but he would scream each time I sat him down. (they were small and round stones so didn't hurt, and we were in the shade so they weren't hot)

So I tried to just stand him there right next to me. He had shoes on so he wouldn't even be able to feel any rocks. Nope. Screamed.

(mad that he had to stand on rocks...with shoes on)

Don't worry. Immediately after I took a picture of his screaming/crying I quickly picked him up to comfort him. I did think it was funny the kid is so scared of rocks.

We had a great day and all went home to take a 3 hour nap (oops)!!


Just for fun I tried to see if there is a term for rock phobia and couldn't find one (Disclaimer: I know this isn't a true phobia and he just was unsure of the rocks. Every toddler has irrational fears about something. I know he'll quickly outgrow this.)

But I did find some pretty funny other phobias out there. So it made me think of a fun game we can play.

::::game show host voice::::

It's tiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmeeee for GUESS THAT PHOBIA!!!!

Here are a few phobias- guess what the phobia is without looking it up....
(people usually comment on fb instead of the blog but I ask that you comment on the blog for this one please)

I'm not sure how some people function with some of these...

In parenthesis I will give a hint...)

1. agyiophobia (couldn't function with this fear in a busy city)
2. ambulophobia (those boots are made for...)
3. arachibutyrophobia (and jelly)
4. blennophobia (sings: who ya gonna call?)
5. euphobia (which do you want to hear first?)
6. geniophobia (the three little piggies response)
7. pantophobia (if you have this- well....there's no help for you. You would be scared ALL of the time)
8. novercaphobia (Cinderella)

Do you have any phobias? I have herpetophobia (snakes) and a little bit of claustrophobia. 

Anyone want to play...?


  1. 1. traffic
    2. walking
    3. peanut butter LOL--who's afraid of peanut butter? I guess if you have a really bad allergy. Oh, and I just remembered phobia can also me hate for something.
    4. ghosts
    5. news
    6. chin hair? lol
    7. panto-...pantomime...all the time? movement?
    8. midnight?

    Sounds like a good Saturday to me!

    1. 1. Crossing a busy street
      2. Walking
      3. Peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth
      4. Slime
      5. Good news (who fears good news? Bad news makes sense)
      6. Chins
      7. Everything
      8. Step mothers

  2. I've been wanting to reply on here, but I'm usually on my phone, and can't do it, as I can't ever remember my password (it's saved in my computer). Lol! Anyway, I'll do this really quickly, and then I've got to get the kids to bed. (I love the video of Luke bouncing by the way...he, he!!)

    1. Fear of crowds? Tall buildings?
    2. Fear of walking
    3. Pea-nut, Peanut Butta!! (And jelly) Had to sing the song...
    4. Fear of ghosts
    5. Fear of news?
    6. Fear of the hair on my chinny, chin, chin?
    7. Fear of breathing? Hahaha!! I don't know...panting... It's probably from Latin, which I took, but I've forgotten most of it.
    8. Fear of glass slippers? Hahahaha!!

    I control my fear of dogs, but I still feel it inside. I'm scared of spiders too. And only within adulthood, I have picked up the fear of tight spaces. And oh yeah... I have a fear of crowds. I don't mean talking or singing or playing music by myself in front of them. I'm actually ok with that, because I'm not *in* them. I mean being *in* a crowd. I have panic attacks and feel like I'm suffocating. I start going dizzy. It's not good. I think it stems from being short, as all I can see is a wall of people, and I can't see over. So, I try to stay in small groups. I have a lot of issues with malls, but I go there sometimes anyway. And it's why I choose Meijer over Walmart. Lol!

    1. 1. Crossing busy streets
      2. Walking
      3. Peanut butter stuck to roof of mouth
      4. Slime
      5. Good news (crazy huh?)
      6. Chins
      7. Everything
      8. Step mothers

      Dogs don't bother me and I was even bit in the face as a child. But I think since I grew up owning dogs I have always loved them.

      I understand the crowds thing. If I was shorter that would definitely bother me.

      My claustrophobia isn't that bad but when I see scenes on Dirty Jobs when he wiggles in tight spaces I feel like I can't breathe just watching it. It's been awhile since I felt the "walls closing in" sensation. My fear of snakes though- eek. They frequent my nightmares.


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