Friday, August 17, 2012


On Monday my glasses broke. My only pair and I don't have contacts. The thin metal piece just crumbled.

Thinking back I feel this foreshadowed that I would be reminded over and over again in the next few days just how fragile life can be.

Sometimes the most precious things are the most vulnerable- maybe that's what makes them precious in the first place.

My great aunt died this week. Pneumonia had attacked several times recently and this time her body was too weak to fight it. I didn't know her very well. She was my grandma's sister and I was very close to my grandma when she was alive.

A close family member was also diagnosed with breast cancer this week after surgery to remove a lump.

Another family member is about to begin another round of chemotherapy for her breast cancer.

In the midst of being reminded how fragile we are as humans God reminded me last night how powerful He is.

For the first time in probably 10 years I hung out with my brother, my only sibling, last night and had a real conversation with him.

I marveled at the changes in his life recently. That God has helped him to step back and really see his life and how the choices he makes affects himself and those around him.

During our entire conversation I was holding back tears as all of the memories of prayers on his behalf began flashing through my mind.

I felt God in my heart say "Do you see Amanda? All those prayers never went to waste. Even years later you see that I had been at work that whole time. Anything is possible through me. Do not doubt. I am always at work. I always have a good plan."

We sat there eating Burger King at 11:00pm in a little apartment while it stormed outside talking about little things and big things and the people we love. It was possibly one of the most precious conversations I have ever had. I left with my heart so happy and proud of the man he is becoming and I look forward to starting a new friendship with him.

Today we celebrate my mom's birthday. The sweetest, most caring and selfless person I know. It only seems fitting to be celebrating her at the end of a week where I was reminded how fleeting this all is.

I hope she has a Happy Birthday. And I hope she feels so loved. As she opens her present from me I pray she knows how much thought went into it and that it too is a reminder of the precious fragile things in life.

Happy Birthday Mom :)

1 comment:

  1. Awwwwww!!!!! I *love* this so much. It is good to hear of answered prayers above all, but I am very sorry for the loss and to hear of those who don't know what will happen right now. I will add those prayers to my own. How did your Mom like her gift? She had to love it. It was awesome.


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