Friday, August 10, 2012



In high school my best friend and I (Hi Amy) would amuse ourselves by spelling things backwards. I believe we once spent an entire summer doing it. Yes- we were (are) dorks. Well I at least was. I guess I shouldn't speak for Amy. Although by being my friend does that make her a dork by association?

My favorite word of all time backwards is Cincinnati.


It an nic nic.

Say it. It's fun.


I wrote a blog post everyday for 8 days and now I'm kind of like ::::crickets:::: "now what?"

I used to blog regularly back in the good ol' days (2001ish, different blog) before blogging became what it is today. I'm sure the ideas will come. Maybe. We'll see.

But what's better than a post full of randomness? They are my favorite post to read from other bloggers actually. Sort of like a "brain dump."


Shark week on the Discovery Channel starts soon.

So excited.

Every year we clear the DVR and tape all of the new shows. Mike Rowe usually narrates some of it.

So if I just disappear for a whole week- I'm at home with my eyes glued to the tv watching one of the most amazing creatures that God created.

Eeeee! Shark Week. Shark Week. Shark Week!!!!

::::big grin::::


Luke had his last helmet fitting today. (read my first post about the cranial molding helmet here)

He's had it on for about 22-23 hrs a day for 5 months. Tuesday will be the last day he wears it all day and then Wednesday is his final scan.

The scan is amazing. They put an oversized sock on your kid's head with something attached to the top. And then they scan their head with a laser. Within minutes a 3D image of their head appears on the computer. I'm excited to compare the readings of his first scan in March.

(first scan in March)

I think he will be happy to have it off. He grins real big when I take the helmet off each day for about an hour so I can wash it. He immediately puts his little hands on his head and scratches it with his little fat baby fingers. Cutest thing ever.


Speaking of Luke. Shew. I'm in for a ride with this one.

The whole "red head temper myth"? May not be a myth. I'm starting to realize how easy of a toddler Nathan was. He didn't get challenging until about 3. I was like "what's this 'terrible twos' thing people talk about? Psh we got this!"

Well now? Maybe I don't "got this!" :)

He is a twister.

He twists and arches any time I try to strap him into his car seat or stroller or change him. And he is strong! I try not to hurt him but I have to force him into his car seat! I end up playing the "act like a fool so the kid gets distracted" game a lot.

He's also loud. He's a screecher. And not only when he gets mad but pretty much all of the time.

He makes this noise that sounds exactly like a cicada. I have never heard this noise come out of a human being before. He does it until he starts to lose his voice. So if you ever hear me refer to him as "Cada"(kay-duh) that's why.

If you take something away from him- he freaks out. If he's trying to crawl to something and suddenly realizes it's a little further away that he wanted to travel- he freaks out. If he is inhibited in away way like in the form of a baby gate- he freaks out.

Temper tantrums don't work in this house (When it's behavior related. When he gets frustrated because he's trying to communicate something that's a different story and I try to figure it out)

But it doesn't matter that he has a temper. Because I'm the mommy. I win. I don't change my standards for each kid. You will obey me. Period. Yes there is grace and mercy mixed in- and a whole lot of love. But I will be obeyed. And it's only so it will be easier for them to obey God when they are old enough to understand that.

The wonderful thing about having a strong-willed child is that you can teach them to be strong-willed for the right things. But I am going to need a LOT of patience and strength and knowledge from God for this child.


We are having a birthday party soon for Luke's 1st bday and Marcus' 30th. I normalyl stress out a little when we have a large group of people over because there is always so much to do to prepare on top of my usual responsibilities.

This time we have more people coming. Some who have not been here before and some of Marcus' coworkers who (whom?) I have never even met. Plus I decided to make all of the decorations to save money (which includes a bunch of 3D paper stars because I want to turn a part of the living room into this "outer space" area for the star wars theme)

We also have our landscaping about half done. We're doing it all the way around the house and it's a big job and we want to get it done before the party.

Earlier today I was listing what all needed to be done while realizing that the days are dwindling down. I have a bad habit of overestimating what I can accomplish in the time that I have to do it in. It's like I forget that I have other daily things I have to do and instead I plan like each day leading up to the party will be devoted entirely to party decor making. Good thing I haven't jumped on the pinterest bandwagon yet or I REALLY would have too many party ideas!

After I sat stressed about it for a good while I finally convinced my heart what my head already knew. That this is not a big deal. It's a birthday party. And what good is this party if I get stressed about preparing for it and become this "crazy mom" in the weeks leading up to it? So I looked at Luke's sweet face today and promised him that I will not stress out about this party. If I don't get everything done- so be it. We'll still have fun anyways. I don't need anything to have fun with my friends. We are blessed with awesome friends who we can just sit around and laugh until we cry. So we're good.

Want to see the invite? It's pretty cute.

I scrambled the last little bit. Yanno. Since this is the internet and all.


Have a great weekend!


  1. Uoy wonk m'I a krod oot!

    "He twists and arches any time I try to strap him into his car seat or stroller or change him. And he is strong! I try not to hurt him but I have to force him into his car seat!"...could have sworn you were talking about Barrett there...and with the freaking out stuff.

    Invitation = AWESOME!

    1. ...oh, I forgot about the screeching. That's very Barrett-like too. And we're getting some "terrible two" action already, which seems like we are handling okay so far. You'll do great with it too--it's definitely a growth opportunity!


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