Sunday, September 9, 2012

Star Wars Party: The Cake and Presents

(Sorry there are so many photos! I kept trying to figure out how to make a photo slideshow- not like a movie and not like powerpoint- but one that you get just click through. I couldn't find a program that does it so if anyone knows of one- let me know!)


I posted here about the decorations and food that was served at the co-birthday party we held in honor of Marcus and Luke.

We had it at our house and ended up having almost 50 people come! It was a bit crowded but we were grateful to be so loved by so many people.

The day before the party- Luke's actual birthday! 1 year!

The Birthday Boys!

I wasn't sure what Luke would do with his cake because the only time I've given him anything containing sugar was a little piece of cookie the day of his actual birthday (I did find out that daycare gave him a cookie once though) I'm not sure why I've been more strict with what he eats (limiting sugar, no cow's milk, etc) Maybe because my oldest is so picky so since Luke will eat anything I'm wanting to make sure he continues loving fruit and veggies right now. But he did enjoy his cake and didn't seem to mind the 100 eyes watching him!

His reaction when I took it away.

Here's some of the kids enjoying their food. We had 14 kids at the party!

I didn't see Luke and Marcus open most of their presents. I decided to sit and just talk with friends and let Marcus and Luke enjoy opening presents together. I have no idea who got them what though so I don't know if I'll ever get thank you cards out- oops!

(This hat sang and flipped around- so funny- Marcus' mom got it.
Marcus was a good sport and "modeled" it for us!)

His favorite present is a taxi my mom got him. I remember always wanting a little car like this when I was a kid! He loves this thing. The picture on the top right cracks me up!

Darth Vader(me) versus The Red Halliday- the fight is on!

Ooooh and Darth goes down. Victory for The Red Halliday!!

One more post soon about the piƱata (which was so much fun) and the bouncy house- and of course more pictures. I like pictures. Can't you tell?

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