Thursday, July 11, 2013

Lasagnas and Casseroles and...Bears? Oh my!

I didn't cook any meals ahead of time to freeze for when the boys were born. I honestly didn't even think about it.

But when a blog friend cooked enough for a little town to prepare for her second daughter (hi Brittany!) I thought what a good idea it was and that I definitely needed to do the same. Because, honestly, I don't even remember what (or if?) we ate after I had both boys. 

My friend Amy (my bestie in High School and whom I've known for 17 years now- wow that makes me feel old) lives far far away like a lot of my friends. But she was in town for a week and offered to come over for a "freezer day" to cook cook cook and stock up meals for after Kevin comes.

After some recipe finding and meal planning on Amy's part- yesterday we went to the grocery (sans kids woot!) and then spent the whole day at my house cooking up a storm. 

9 hours of cooking, 3 lasagnas, 4 casseroles, 2 stir fries, and 1 beef stew later we were both exhausted and glad to be finished. 

what to do when you run out of containers to hold a gazillion pasta? Use a drink pitcher!

Of course I can't spend the whole day in a kitchen without there being some sort of disaster because well...I'm accident prone. But this time it wasn't me who broke something (shocker!)- It was Amy. The ceramic part of my crock pot slipped out of her hands and shattered all over the kitchen.


Although she felt awful I totally didn't mind because it can be replaced and I was just happy no one was hurt. Luke was standing nearby so he could have been hit or it could have landed on Amy's foot. Soo soo glad it wasn't worse. I just didn't want her to feel bad because of the crock pot. After all she had spent the whole day cooking for me and my family and I appreciated it so much (so DON'T feel bad Amy ok?)

We took an hour to rest in the middle of our cooking for a yummy meal with our families. Amy's husband, Andy, joined us and their adorable 2 year old Barrett (lovingly called Bear)

(celebrating Amy's bday a few days before)
(I definitely am sporting my pregnancy face. Wide nose, squinty eyes, puffy cheeks, yeeeep)

Now I'm a little more prepared for a newborn in the house with a bunch of freezer food.
 Thanks for the fun day Amy!

Mission Complete!

Now to move on to the other things on my to-do list...

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