Monday, July 8, 2013

even the dog

Ever have those several weeks in your life  (or months or years) where it sort of feels like you are on a roller coaster? Good news, bad news, good news. I guess that's just life in general huh?

It feels like we have been on a ride of ups and downs lately. Thankfully nothing serious but still...I'm a girl that likes consistency and calm.

Having been on bed rest with high blood pressure with both boys I'm really hoping to avoid that this time around. A few weeks ago I felt weird and took my blood pressure. It was high.

And so the roller coaster felt like it was going down.

Thankfully it's been pretty normal since then.


Last weekend the boys and Marcus got sick with a stomach virus.


It only lasted 24 hours.


Thought I had developed an umbilical hernia after discovering a sharp pain and knot behind my belly button and therefore went several days trying not to pick up my 1 year old (which makes public temper tantrums much more tricky when you can't just pick the kid up to relocate)


Knot went away after Kevin dropped down a bit and doctor said it was nothing to worry about.


Finding out that our refinance may cost much more than we thought.


Closing on our refinance and finding out it actually costs us less than we thought- saving us a lot each month which is great since we're about to pay an arm and leg for three in daycare/after school care.


Second round of the stomach virus hit the boys this weekend. Vomiting and diarrhea and thank goodness for swim diapers that fit my 5 year old or else there would have been much more laundry.


Getting to visit with my high school best friend who is in town this weekend/week.


Boys started to feel better except I, being 35 weeks pregnant, was not spared this time around. Viruses are horrible anyways but while pregnant? Not fun.


After a desperate plea for prayers I started to feel much better after a few days and am now just trying to get my strength back.


The dog starts to shake and then later proceeds to get sick too. More vomit to clean up (seriously, there is just nothing worse)


Turns out that if your sick 1 year old walks around with poop leaking out of his diaper and through the leg hole of his pants (sorry for the visual but such is life) that it's NOT healthy if your dog discovers it first. Ew. Bad dog.

A few more weeks before baby Kevin arrives! I'm getting more excited every day to meet him yet I hope that these next weeks will be a little more calm with no more sickness for anyone. Now off to do more laundry and clean the bathrooms because the whole family sick at once? Um yeeeeeah. 

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