Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Big 3-0

This past "weekend" I said goodbye to my twenties and hello to my third decade here on this earth.

Wait...I have COMPLETED 3 decades so I'm saying hello to my fourth decade here on earth. Yeah, that's right. I blame pregnancy brain.

On May 17th at 12:18pm I turned 30.

A few people asked if I felt 30. If I wasn't pregnant I probably would have said "no." However, since my pelvis feels like it's being pried open (tmi?), my right hip keeps threatening to pop out of socket, and I cry every time I drive for more than 10 minutes because I pulled a muscle in my shoulder a month ago and it only hurts when I drive---the answer is "yes. I definitely feel 30." (for the record I DO love being pregnant most of the time and am super grateful for this little baby boy)

This weekend was crammed full of Family Time, Lunch Dates with Friends, Dinner with my best friend (yep, Dana, you've been dubbed), A Movie with Marcus, Ice Cream Dates, a Pedicure, a Lunch Birthday Celebration with Family (to also celebrate my Dad's and brother's birthdays), Cake, Cookies, Did I Say Ice Cream? And why did I type all of that in caps? ...

Me and my Lukimus (who is going through a "mommy hold me" phase)

Anyways- point is. Pretty awesome birthday weekend. I feel very loved and blessed to know so many wonderful people and add this weekend to our mini-vaca last weekend and this has definitely been the best birthday ever.

Of course it can't be ALL butterflies and rainbows. Apparently yesterday was also National Toddler Temper Tantrum Day...or at least according to Luke it was :/

Here are some pics to document my turning 30th.

Dinner with Dana. I had the fun idea of each of us writing 30 things that the other person doesn't know about us and we went through the list. It was so interesting to learn new things about each other. For instance, one of mine was "I like the smell of turtles" because I had a pet turtle as a little girl and I thought it had a sweet musky smell. Then I added out loud "But it's been a while since I sniffed a turtle..." and noticed the waiter was standing right there. He got a weird look on his face and walked away hahahaha. I'm pretty sure he's never overheard someone say that before! 

So if you have a dear friend that you know well ask them to write down things you don't know about them---it makes for a fun dinner date! Dana's birthday was the day after mine so we celebrated both of ours by eating "the wall of chocolate cake."
Excuse the poor quality photos and oh my I want that cake again...

Pedicure with Friends

Graeter's Ice Cream with Marcus (coconut chocolate chip...yum!)

"3" was the theme of the weekend. Turning 30 with 3 boys and entering my 3rd Trimester!

Here's to another decade of watching my babies grow, love, laughter, tears, making mistakes, learning from those mistakes, falling deeper in love with my husband, winning, losing, growing, and every up and down that comes to us in life. 

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