Tuesday, May 21, 2013


-I'm one of those pregnant women with swollen ankles towards the end of pregnancy. My ankles already starting to swell at 28 weeks is not a good sign. Summer? Be nice to me mkay?

-Nathan is completing level 2 swim class this weekend. We have decided not to put him in level 3 until maybe next year. He just isn't really applying himself so he isn't getting as much out of it as he could. Thinking with some time and maturity he may be ready for the next level in Spring.

-School starts when I'm 38 1/2 weeks pregnant. Will I have had the baby by the time Nathan starts school? Afterwards? Will I be pushing on his first day? Hoping he adapts well because that is a lot of change all at once to throw at a 5 yr old. And well, for momma too.

-Root beer floats. Yes.

-Too bad sleep isn't as tangible and transmittable as a currency. For instance- when a friend says they are trying to make it through the day on 2 hours of sleep I wish I could hand them a card for "8 hours uninterrupted sleep" in which they would immediately be refreshed and rested. Yep. That would be nice. Then I could stock up on sleep before baby Kevin comes.

-Boys, boys, and more boys. Just found out my cousin is pregnant with a boy. Boys are awesome. But I guess this family just wasn't meant to have a bunch of girls. My dad's family had 5 boys before my aunt was born.

-Iron Man 3 and Star Trek were both awesome. I love movies like that. I want to see "Now You See Me" soon.

-After having Fridays off from work for about 6 years I will now have Wednesdays off instead. I'm super excited about it. Yes I have to give up the 3 day weekend thing but I think this will be good for our family. For instance, by Fri I'm usually an exhausted mess and my body hurts so I'm not very productive. So maybe on Wed I can get more accomplished and then focus on family time on the weekends.

-So You Think You Can Dance is back on! Booyah! My fav. (Oh my gosh there is a little 4 yr old boy auditioning right now doing a popping routine. Cutest thing ever.)

-Pomegranate Popsicles are yummy.

-Luke put two words together for the first time yesterday. He said "help Mommy" :)

-My heart goes out to all of the families affected by the recent tornadoes. I know what it's like to have a disaster destroy your entire house. Yet things are replaceable. People are not. I just can't imagine the ache of losing a close loved one and I pray that although weeping and mourning have their place that joy comes in the morning.

-Sigh. Parenting is hard. Nathan is getting older and I know he's only 5 1/2 yet I keep finding Marcus and I having to sit down with him and having more and more conversations about...well...life.

The feeding and bathing and clothing of our kids is just the surface of actually parenting and raising them. And all I can say is stubborn people give birth to stubborn kids. I just keep reminding myself that it can be a good thing to have a stubborn child if you raise them to be stubborn about the right things and to stand up for their beliefs and for other people.

-I try to use "green" products to clean my house (not that my house is "clean") I mainly use vinegar and water. However sometimes you just need to give in and buy some strong chemicals to get the toilet bowel clean. I caved and after going months scrubbing and scrubbing the insides of my toilets they are finally sparkly! So I am forcing my whole family to use the restroom outside so as not to mess up my pretty toilets. ;)

-The iPhone just isn't user friendly for commenting on blog posts. 70% of the time I type out comments it doesn't work and then I'm like "forget it."

Annnnnddd ok this is long enough.

Cute photo of the boys...

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