Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Rollin' With Tha Eggs (Egg Roll Making Party)

Recently my family got together with our good friends, The Hallidays, for our first bi-annual Egg Roll Party.

(It was originally the first annual party but since it was so much fun and the egg rolls were soooo yummy we decided we need to do this at least twice a year)

A few months ago we were at their house and they made dinner for us. They served the BEST EGG ROLLS ever that were made by Dana's mother-in-law. These egg rolls were something I thought about on a weekly basis- no joke. I think I even dreamed about them once. They were that good!

In August Dana had the idea of our families getting together and making a bunch because it's a big chore for one person but a small chore for many hands. Our plans fell through a few times but we finally got together and made egg rolls! (please excuse all of the exclamation points...I can't help it...they're just SO good! !!   ! !!)

I came up with a craft idea for the kids to keep them occupied while we did all of the chopping. It was a big hit! I painted toilet paper rolls the day before and then Dana supplied all of the craft goodies for the kids to make custom monsters.

My monster was stalking the kids...

Finished Result

Meanwhile....lots (and lots) of chopping later (poor Dana got stuck chopping ALL of the cabbage), we finally sat down to roll up the egg rolls.

Their 7 yr old daughter, Caitlyn, impressed me with her rolling skills. She was good!

Somehow, although we each put a slightly different amount of filling in each egg roll, we ended up with the perfect wrap to filling ratio. We used all 100 wraps and had no filling left over.

100 egg rolls! That's a lot of fat egg rolls!

Caitlyn patiently waiting.

When they were all fried we sat down and enjoyed a very yummy meal of egg rolls and delicious rice (they have a rice maker)

Luke loved it!

 After dinner the kids had a great time playing together while the adults talked and talked and talked...

 Trey (Dana's nephew) and Nathan

The kids followed Luke around copying everything he did for at least 30 minutes...it was hilarious. At one point Luke came up and hugged me which meant all the other kids attacked/hugged me too! 

Crawling around copying Luke

It was a fun Sunday afternoon with friends!

(and the best part is we had plenty of egg rolls to take home and freeze for later!)


  1. Ok, I crack up every time I see the picture of the monster stalking the children. And every time I see a picture of Trey next to...well...any of the kids, but especially Nathan. He is tall for his age, but even his head size is bigger. Haha! It's just too funny. It's 90% cheeks. LOL!! I'm wanting egg rolls again now. I gave part of what I kept to Sara, and part to David's Mom. I kept enough for one meal for us. And we've already used them. :-)

    1. Marcus ate most of them that week (!) so we ended up with maybe 12 frozen and I think there are 7 still frozen. They're still good frozen but not as much as fresh. Next time we'll make some but no outsiders get any unless they help :::evil laugh:::


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