Sunday, December 2, 2012

Extreme "Ough-oh"ing (Randoms)

Luke is officially in the ough oh phase. It's adorable. I wish I had a dollar for every time he says it- I would be rich. Very. Very. Rich.

In the car he gets creative and says it but he drags it out and adds all types of sounds. Grunts, gurgles, giggles, animalistic noises. So it's like "ooooougghhhh (looooong grunt) (unidentifiable baby talk) ooohhhhhh (loud squeal) oooohhh"

We have named it extreme ough-oh-ing.

Look for it in the next summer olypmics.


It was one of those lovely busy weekends. Busy but full of fun things (which equals cranky kids)

I usually don't do weekend recap posts so I'll keep this short (or try to, at least)

Saturday we went to our good friends, the Hallidays, to celebrate their daughter's 8th birthday. She was around 2 years old when I first met them and I can't believe the once baby cheeked, braided pig tail wearing girl is 8 years now!

I've sort of gotten into the habit of making her something for her birthday. Last year I made a comic book for her with her as the main character (along with a mask and cape)

This year I did some crayon art to make her something for her room (melting crayons is so fun...seriously, you have to try it)

We ended the day with putting the kids to bed early and watching a movie and eating pizza. I kept falling asleep around 9pm. 9 PM! I'm usually wide eyed til almost midnight.


Today we had church and then more church. Our church had a volunteer appreciation event today. We have been serving in the church nursery for over 4 years now. It's fun and challenging and I'm super super grateful for all of our volunteers.

I keep forgetting my camera when we go places but they had a "photo booth" so we got this shot.

(Luke was in the nursery- they had childcare for 2 and under)

They had food and inflatables for the kids. It was pretty fun.

Now we're home and hopefully about to put up our Christmas tree. I'm the "yay let's decorate!!!" type person and Marcus is the more practical "if it doesn't have a function- it's not necessary" type. Meaning I have to convince him that the Christmas tree is important or I'll be stuck dragging it in from the garage alone.


Luke has a month left of his helmet. Although I'm looking forward to seeing his poofy red hair every day and his head not stinking- I am concerned about it.

9 months of the helmet has led to some bad habits. Namely- bashing his head on everything. It's so hard to teach a toddler not to do something! I fear the helmet will be gone and in it's place will be many bumps and bruises.


My hair is growing on me. Everyone likes it it seems except me. But I washed it 5 times yesterday and it faded a bit so I like it a little more. It was just shocking to never have your hair dyed (other than some highlights) and then go from light brown/blonde to dark/bright red. It's just hair. It doesn't matter very much- yet every woman knows that how we look mainly to ourselves is important to us.


Have a great week! Off I go to decorate...hopefully :)

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