Wednesday, April 17, 2013

What's In A Name? The Story of Naming Our Boys

There's a lot to consider when naming your kid. Everyone you have ever met in your life was named before you met them. They already were that name to you. But your own kids? You are responsible for giving them a name they will hear everyday of their lives. A name that will shape their identity to an extent. And a name that you will yell say billions of times yourself.

I'd be easy if you could just pick your favorite name of all time and badda bing! Kiddo has a name! But it's just not that simple.

Does the name flow with your last name? Will the kid have to spell it often? Do the initials spell out something obscene? (Poor little Ashley Samantha Smith) Did a friend recently use that name for their kid? Are you ok with the short version or possible nicknames? Does the name remind you or your spouse of a person you dislike? Does it easily roll off the tongue? Can you see yourself shouting the full name when the kid is in trouble? (Hey- it's something to consider!) What is the meaning of the name?

So much to consider and yes- it's fun but also a lot of pressure to name a human being (or even a pet for that matter)

Nathan Lee Crumbacher ("Nathan" means "God has given")

When I was about 7 months pregnant with Nathan we had no names picked out. I think I was sort of in denial we were having a baby and I never felt any urgency to prepare things for him (although that could have been due to the bp meds)

We went to the movies one night and saw Enchanted. Yanno that movie right? It has one of the Mc's from Grey's Anatomy. McSteamy? McThinky? McStinky? McDonalds? McBuff? MacBeth (er wait)- oh yeah! I think it's McDreamy! Yes! He's in it.

And so is another character- Nathaniel. He's actually one of the worst sources for a name idea. Very unattractive. And he's the bad guy! (Who at least turns good in the end) But after the movie I sat there and said "Hmm...Nathaniel is too long but I like Nathan" and it became our only name on our "list" but I didn't want to commit to anything.

We kept the name secret because 1) it's fun to torture some people that way and 2) I didn't want to hear any of those "oh yeeeeeah- I used to date a Nathan- he was awful" comments.

In the hospital I told the nurses beforehand we were thinking about "Nathan" but I wanted to see him first before we decided. When he was born one nurse said "Well? does he look like a Nathan?" I thought "What in the world does a Nathan baby look like? They all look the same at first" but replied with "I guess so" and our first son was named.

His name fits him perfectly. It means "God Has Given" and I truly felt like he was this precious gift from God. After a few years of strange cycles and hormone levels (sometimes going 5 months with no cycle for no reason) I was told by a OBGYN that it might be difficult to conceive someday. I have had several friends who have felt the piercing pain of infertility and my heart aches for them. Growing up, wanting nothing more than to be a mom, I thought in the back corner of my heart that the pain of infertility might be something I would experience. So when we found out Nathan was on the way right before our 2nd wedding anniversary I was shocked, grateful, and so excited.

His middle name is Lee which is also my husband's middle name (it's also was his grandpa's middle name and my grandpa's middle name)

Lucas Wayne Crumbacher ("Luke" means "light")

Luke was fairly easy to name. I was trying to talk Marcus into naming him Isaac but he vetoed that and many of my suggestions. Luke was always a name I have liked and we were considering Wayne for a middle name to honor my father (his middle name is Wayne). So when Marcus suggested "Lucas Wayne" I was sold.

However "Marcus" and "Lucas" are too similar for me to yell in the same household so I immediately decided we would call the baby Luke.

It did take about 9 months for me to feel comfortable calling Luke by his name. Honestly he didn't quite feel like a Luke to me. I think it's the red hair. When I pictured Luke before he was born I was picturing a younger version of dark haired Nathan- and then this red head came out of me and threw off my vision. But now he's definitely a Luke to me (I often call him Lukey)

Kevin Marcus Crumbacher ("Kevin" means "gentle" and "attractive")

After keeping with the tradition of a "new" first name and a family middle name with the first two boys we decided to do the same for baby boy #3. We also decided to tell people the name before the baby was born this time. Mainly so we can use the name with the boys and get them used to baby Kevin coming.

Kevin was a name we joked about when I was pregnant with Nathan. Marcus was suggesting "Kevin Bacon Crumbacher" since his parents are pig farmers. I said " I do like Kevin!" and that name always sort of stuck with me.

We considered a few other names but it seems I kept going back to Kevin. Marcus would not give me his opinion on other names. He would just look at me and then recommend something like Optimus Prime or Marcus Arreileus.

Finally after he wouldn't give his opinion on a name one night I said "You still like Kevin right?" And he said "That's the name I suggested all along" and so Kevin was named! A friend on Facebook suggested Marcus as a middle name and we thought it worked.

I looked at Kevin's ultrasound pictures and the name felt even more confirmed. He just feels like a Kevin to me. And we greatly look forward to his arrival in a few months.

Now...if Marcus had it his way he'd named him Kevin Franklin Crumbacher...figure that one out...


Sooooooo.....I know this isn't widely read other than a few friends or family but of you feel up to it I'd like to know how the name choice for your kids came about or if you don't have any kids if you already have names picked out. Please share!

1 comment:

  1. When you asked Facebook for name suggestions, I think I commented that you could make #3's middle name Marc. I figured they'd all have 2-syllable first names and 1-syllable middle names. But I think Marcus flows better with your last name.

    Around the time Andy and I started our relationship, I made a list from that baby name book I got in high school (remember Oralee Suchin?) When Andy and I each made lists (I revised mine), we both had several names alike and couldn't really narrow it down, so we decided to wait until the baby was born to name him. Andy's mom had requested that we make his middle name Andrew because it's been in the family for generations, and I was already thinking of that, so that worked out nicely (even though Andy was not thrilled with it). I think Barrett had his name within an hour after birth--it was surprisingly easy to pick his name!

    I really liked Dylan (liked the meaning of Dillon better though) and Caleb, but they were also really popular. I like the unique but not weird names. It's going to be hard to name another boy. I still like my girl name...


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