Monday, April 29, 2013


We've been learning a lot about landscaping around here but that's not exactly what this post is about. Well, kinda. Hmm...Not really.

Just read :)

Last August we spent a lot (A LOT) of time planting (and unfortunately- replanting) our landscaping and forming a mulch barrier around our house.

I don't have a green thumb.

I don't particularly like being outdoors for any amount of time if it's hot (I blame it on the heat strokes I had as a kid. I hardly sweat = I overheat easily) or cold.

If I touch grass or anything green with my skin you might as well call me Itchy McScratcherson.

I can't name more than maybe 5-10 flowers. Petunia? Marigold? Yeah I have no idea what those look like.

However. Working that hard? Putting so much time and effort and money into something that we designed and created? Made me so proud of our little landscaping and excited to tend to it this spring.

Not sure if our plants (especially the barberries- SEE?! I've learned the name of my plants! :::grin:::) survived the winter I may have done a little jig when I saw the signs of life in those little new leaves forming on scraggly branches.

Tonight, after the boys were in bed and Marcus was home, I finally got the opportunity to run outside (yes in PJ's) to pull those pesky weeds that have been growing like...well...weeds.

I pulled and pulled at them. Some came out so easy and barely had their roots dug in. Others gave me a pretty good fight (sorry to my neighbors who may have witnessed my pregnant booty sticking up in the air as I wrestled these things) and still others I know I did not completely remove. I was left feeling drained with a few thorn pricks and blood spots on my hands despite wearing gloves.

Ok and now on to the point of my rambling...

During the experience of planting last summer God taught me some very valuable lessons in the process. It shouldn't be new to me that He often uses His own creations in nature to teach His children things- but it does. I guess I never see these lessons coming.

Spiritual lessons tied into yard work and landscaping are definitely nothing new to many people. It's not original. And I'm sure if you searched there may be many many posts and articles out there about the same sort of thing. All, I'm sure, more well written than this one.

Yet, as I was tugging on some of those weeds that were strangling the life out of my dear precious plants, He stirred my heart. I started reminiscing about the many times he's pulled weeds out of my life- the weeds symbolizing sin.

If plants could think- my plants probably would have thought I was hurting them. I was digging around their roots to locate the invading weed roots. Weeds are smart. The little ones popped up randomly all alone. But the biggest strongest ones were cozied up to the plant. Stealing it's nutrients and water. Intertwining it's vines with the plant's leaves. Snaking around and around and around. Slowly choking.

There have been many times in my life that it hurt while God was deweeding me. Sometimes he had to pull for a long time and I wasn't sure what was happening or why things we're going my way. Sometimes it was a quick sting. And many times he used those around me to tug too. And with some weeds, I'm sure, He's still tugging at and will never stop until the day I die.

It always hurts. But it's always for my own good although it can be hard to see at the time.

Some of my plants that had smaller shallow weeds didn't seem so affected by them. Others now have areas of bare branches where leaves couldn't grow. The ground is torn up around those plants that had the deepest penetrating weeds. They're wounded in a way. But with a little tender, love, and care from me they will be okay. And we will too. Because the One who deweeds us does it out of love.

Even when it leaves His hands bleeding.

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