Thursday, April 11, 2013

Second Trimester Randomness

::::deep breath:::: Is it over? Did I survive? I'm scared to ask, but....did my family survive? The first trimester, that is.

Whew. Glad that's over. Went into survival mode there for awhile and now I'm digging out of the mess that sheer exhaustion and nausea left in my house. Yanno- since no laundry got done during those first few months. Clean clothes aren't really necessary for survival.

Anyways. Enough of that. Wanting to get back into the blogging world. Dump some stuff out of my brain so more necessary things like crazy pregnancy dreams (aliens who can't cough?) and daydreams of newborn squishiness can take up more room. So here's some randomness.

1) Most fb friends/family know this but baby #3 is indeed another boy and I've actually been quite excited about the idea of 3 boys. I'll never have to mow my own lawn hehehe.

There will probably always be a moment of small sadness when I see a mom fixing her 3 yr old daughter's hair across from me in the doctor's waiting room but it's over quickly. The odds of three kids of the same gender are pretty low. God definitely has me pegged as a "boy mom". Hey- He even gave me a weak sense of smell in preparation of a house full of stinky boys! Thanks God.

B) My toddler has become the bully at daycare. I don't know if there is any truth to this red head myth but oh man- this kid has a temper. And it's not only about him getting mad- it's about him wanting something to throw. It seems he needs something to throw. So yeah---teaching a 19 month old acceptable behavior is not the easiest task. Especially when rough housing with his 5 yr old brother is a way of life.

He picked up a chair twice as big as he is and hurled it at his daycare teacher yesterday. He's like Hercules and The Hulk combined. I think he's already catching onto the fact that bad behavior has negative consequences but it will be that quick flame of a fast on/fast off temper that will be the most difficult to tame.

III) Nathan has been taking swim classes and is doing pretty well. In another month or so he should be able to swim the width of the pool in deep water unassisted! I'll just focus on being proud of him and ignore the fact that my skinny 5 yr old is wearing 12 month swim trunks. I feed my kids, I promise.

K) Every mom has that part of the day that tends to be more overwhelming than the rest of the day. For me it's the hours from 6-8pm.

I know I cram too much into these hours yet haven't found many solutions. I know I'll crash around 8:40 and my butt is magnetically drawn to the couch against my will (ok maybe NOT against my will) and I sit there halfway responsive watching tv or reading until I drag my waddling pregnant butt to bed (where the noises I make due to my insane dreams sometimes force my poor husband to sleep on the couch- sorry babe)

So basically whatever doesn't get done in those 6-8 hours- just won't. It's a mad rush of dinner, rinsing off poopy cloth diapers from daycare (yay), washing cloth diapers or doing other laundry, preparing Luke a separate meal for dinner sometimes and preparing food for him to take to daycare (food alllegies), oh yeah the dog has to go out to poop, Nathan needs me to wipe his butt (by now I'm just over poop), Luke just pooped his diaper, setting clothes out for the next day, dishes, clean up after dinner and wipe the quinoa off the wall that Luke threw there, homework, baths for the boys (Luke needs one daily to help with his eczema- supposed to let him bathe for 30 mins but haha), and the dog just pooped in the living room although he just went outside 5 minutes ago and NO! LUKE! Don't eat that!!!


Anyways- it makes my head spin. And I didn't list that as a "whoa is me" thing (because I know every other parent's days are just as crazy if not crazier than mine) but as a way to say- how in the world is a newborn going to fit in all this?

I'm sure the baby will want to nurse as soon as we get home and by then my chest will be more than willing to oblige. So how to take care of two other exhausted, starving kids when my bottom has to be planted in a chair to feed my newborn?

The only solution I can think of is 1) Fix all dinners on the weekend for the week 2) Say "Do what you can and don't worry about the rest" 3) Somehow master the Michelle Duggar "nurse baby while walking around" talent and most importantly 4) God will help me get through the crazy years of raising young kids. He gave me these blessings. He'll help me care for them. But meanwhile, any advice from other moms will 3 kids who get home around 6:20 - I'd appreciate it.

Yadda yadda yadda. I had more but you know me. I tend to be long winded so I better wrap this up. So yep- point is- I'm alive and I'll try to drop in here more often. When I'm not dealing with poop, that is.
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