When I was in college I was at the library one time and I saw this girl make this really cool thing out of construction paper. After watching her make it for a few minutes I went over to her and said how neat I thought it was and asked her to show me how to do it. She called it a "star" but I immediately thought that if I made it in white it would look a lot like a snowflake.
Later that day I taught about 10 people how to make them. I think since then I've taught at least 100 people how to make these. I threw a formal dance for the Baptist Student Union at UofL one year and we made a lot of these in red, sprayed glitter on them and hung them as a decoration. We even made a gigantic one for the center of the ballroom. It looked pretty cool and it was such a cheap way to decorate!
Anyways- I love them and wanted to share how to make them with you! They make a cute decoration for Christmas that you can hang around your house!
They are SUPER easy to make! Give it a try!
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