Sunday, November 13, 2011

Whooo aarrreee yyyooouu???


I'm not new to blogging. In fact, I used to blog about 12 years ago before it was as popular as it is now. I blogged regularly if not obsessively for years and eventually ran out of things to say for the time being. Well, I had things to say but didn't want to type them out anymore. But now with a husband, two kids, a dog and my career- there's a lot of stuff craming up my brain space. And well, I need all the brain space I can get. So I'm gonna dump it out on here.

Here's the stats: age 28, Southern Indiana (born and raised in NC though), married to Marcus for 6 years, we were together 3 years before that, he's my best friend and we have inside jokes that don't even make sense to us anymore yet they're still funny somehow. More about him and the boys on the "Crummy Boys" page.

I work outside of the home 4 days a week as a Dental Hygienist. I LOVE my job- my hands do not (they cramp a lot) I know God made me to be a hygienist because I'm great one on one and when I see a ton of gross buildup on people's teeth- it makes me giddy. No, seriously! I can't wait to clean it off! It's fun! Ok, maybe only other hygienist understand that.

I'm pretty good at drawing and kind of ok at painting. I've never had training in either and wish I did. I don't do it near enough. Mostly because by the time I pull all the art supplies out one of the kids would need me- and I would have to put it up again so the 3 year old isn't alone with the paint. Creating an art desk in our spare room is on my to-do list...unfortunately it's about number 362 on the list :o(

The most important thing about me is that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. He's the forgiver of my many sins. Everything good in my life if because of Him and I am completely undeserving of all of it. He teaches me a lot everyday even though I don't always enjoy the lessons!

Hope you enjoy this not-so-crummy crummy blog!

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