*Disclaimer* This video contains vomit. It's baby vomit. Which isn't as replusive as kid or adult or animal vomit. But still.
Also please ignore my "mom" voice. What is it about having kids that automatically causes you to have a high pitched voice and repeat questions that you know your baby can't answer? Do you know what I mean? Do you? Do you? Yeah? Yeah?
And about half way through this video I thought "Um- if I post this online there is a possibility other human beings will hear my crazy mom voice...ahhh" So I freaked a little :o)
At one point I use the word "yat" instead of "that"...? Yat? Is making up words proof that you are losing your mind? :o)
Thanksgiving was very nontraditional for us this year. It's the first time I didn't have a home cooked thanksgiving meal and although I thought that might upset me- how could it? I was still having a yummy meal with my family- can't complain.
So we all met at Ryans and ate a buffet Thanksgiving meal. The only down side of eating out is no leftovers. However, my mother in law said Marcus' grandma will be cooking for us when we visit in 2 weeks and it'll feel like Thanksgiving all over again!
Enjoy the pictures...
Nathan and his Cousin Cayden. They ADORE each other :o)
Nathan and his Papa Terry.
Mommy and my little sidekick.
Nathan with a mouthfull of food and Daddy
My parents and their grandsons!
My brother Chad and Luke.
And these....melt my heart. My dad's family has a history of heart disease and many of the men pass away before age 50, so I am very grateful that my dad is around to be a papa to my boys.
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
the most important thing at Thanksgiving is getting together with family. looks like you enjoyed it!