I can't believe you are 3 months old already. Has it really been 3 months since I held you for the first time and kissed your little newborn hand? We were more than ready to expand our family and were so blessed to find out Christmas Day 2010 that you were on your way. I knew from the beginning that you were a boy although your daddy thought you were a girl. Two boys is such a blessing and you and your big brother have both stolen my heart.
You love to eat!!! Your brother was a petite baby but now I have a chunky one. I'm constantly sorting your clothes to put away the things you outgrow and find something that will fit you. You were 7lbs 7oz at birth and now I think you weigh around 14 1/2 lbs or more. You're double the weight! You have just outgrown all of the 0-3m clothes and some 3 months. You fit great in 3-6m and some 6m clothing.
You take several cat naps during the day and maybe 2 longer ones. It's kind of crazy since I'm a working momma and you have two different caregivers (who watch you at our home) so we have not attempted to try a sleep schedule but you seem to get plenty of sleep. At night you go to bed after nursing around 9pm- then get up once to eat at about 4am and then sleep a few more hours. You teased me by sleeping through the night 5 days in a row but then decided to still wanted our special time in the middle of the night. That's ok though- I'm in good company. Plus- if I didn't nurse you in the middle of the night I would go from 9pm til 5pm the next day without seeing you and that would be too hard.
You have been nursing like a pro since day 1 and I am SOOO grateful for that. After struggling with nursing Nathan (we still managed 6 months) I know how blessed I am to have a baby who took to it so naturally. You switch back and forth between me and the bottle with no problem. I hope to nurse you at least 12 months if not longer. I enjoy the bonding time with you so much and it's the sweetest thing when you look up at me and smile :o)
Speaking of smiling- we are starting to get a glimpse of that wonderful personality! You smile ALL the time and try to coo and talk. When you hear my voice you will scan the room until you lock eyes with me and then you give me the cutest smile and giggle. :::melt:::
(your red hair and crazy hair line)
You only seem to get fussy when you really want to eat or when you go through your "fussy time" in the evenings. But we discovered during that time you get content if we give you a paci and hold you sitting straight up.
You and your brother are already forming a special bond. Nathan loves you SOOO much and has been absolutely perfect when it comes to you. He hasn't even shown an ounce of jealousy which is great considering he is a mommmy's boy who now has to share his mommy. You light up when you see your brother. Although you sometimes have a look of concern on your facing when he is "holding" you- I think he's already your favorite person. I know you two will be best friends.

We are enjoying cloth diapering. We borrowed prefolds from a friend but then decided to buy our own bumgenis diapers. So far it's pretty easy and not nearly as much "work" as I thought it would be. We still use disposibles in public because they were gifts before you were born and we don't want to waste them. You are about to outgrow the pampers size 1-2 diapers.
You got a rash about a month ago and have kept it still. At first we thought it was from a virus your brother had but now I'm pretty convinced it's ezcema. Your father and I have extremely sensitive skin and you've inherited it my darling- especially since you are light complected and have red hair. We have been using a new baby body wash and ezcema cream that seems to help a lot. It's called babygantics. I have a feeling we'll be doing a lot of trial and error to see what's best for your skin. So far it doesn't seem to bother you which is good.

You look different from your brother (a small amount of red hair and chubby, vs. Nathan having a ton of really dark hair and always being on the small side) yet you remind me of your brother in so many ways. I look forward to finding out your similarities and differences. You are your own unique person and although I love the infant stage I can't wait to talk to you and discover your own little world.
The name Luke means "light" and that is something this world needs more of. I pray that you will be a bright light shining for God and be a blessing to all you come in contact with.
(here's Luke's 1, 2 and 3 month pictures- I
We love you Luke!!
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