"Mommy, can I wear my crocs to church?"
"No Nathan, you cannot wear your crocs with your dress clothes."
After a moment of complaining he went to find his brown shoes (aka. boring to a 3yr old shoes), found his shoes, put them on, and came to me to seek out praise.
He came to me, pointed out his shoes and with the over excited high pitched voice and huge smile said "I did it myself!!" I looked down- something wasn't quite right.
"You have it wrong, switch them" I said.
He sat down, did was he was told. I looked again. Something still didn't look right. I thought maybe he took them off and thought he had switched them but actually put them on the same way.
"Switch them again" I said. "Oooookkkkaaay" said Nathan slightly confused and thinking maybe his mom was doing this to be mean, but he did it anyway.
Wait a minute. Something is STILL off!!!
Let me see those.
Hmph. "What in the world???" I said and since this is Nathan's new favorite quote I hear "What the world????" come from him. Maybe I'm losing my mind but these looked like two right shoes- not a right and a left.
Since I'm sleep deprived due to the new baby I thought it would be best to get a second option. "Do these look like two right shoes to you?" I asked my husband. He agreed they were and we just stare at each other with bewildered smiles and think "How can this happen?"
You see- the shoes are about 2 months old. We've both helped him put them on and there was ALWAYS a right and a left.
We thought and thought on the way to church. We jokingly started to think of possible flyers we could post around town "Right Seeking Left"..... "Size 9 Searching for Perfect Partner" ...."Seeking a SOLE mate" :o)
My husband finally said "It had to be from Wednesday night" We are taking a parenting class at church on Wed nights and all the kids go to a play area where they take their shoes off. Of course! But what are the odds that some little boy just happened to have the exact same shoe as Nathan in the exact same size and they accidently switched one shoe? And poor Nathan- since Wed we have been making him stuff his left foot in a right shoe and we had no idea!
Somewhere out there was a mom wondering how her son has two left shoes. Would we ever meet? Did she notice or was her little boy still walking around stuffing his feet in the wrong shoes?
There are several things that go on at our church Wed nights and I knew the odds were against us in ever figuring this out. Our church has over 5,000 people!
We get to church and I find my friend Andrea who is the Early Childhood Leader and I said "Here's a crazy Lost and Found story for you...we go to put Nathan's shoes on this morning and"
"DO YOU HAVE TWO RIGHTS?" She interrupts. "I know who has the lefts!"
She put me in contact with the mom with the Lefts (Hi Leslie!) Turns out they are in our Wednesday night class :o)
So the shoes have been switched back. What a fun memory and something that made us scratch our heads on a Sunday morning.

In the end...I think this whole thing was a ploy so Nathan could wear his crocs to church on Sunday :o)
"Switch them again" I said. "Oooookkkkaaay" said Nathan slightly confused and thinking maybe his mom was doing this to be mean, but he did it anyway.
Wait a minute. Something is STILL off!!!
Let me see those.
Hmph. "What in the world???" I said and since this is Nathan's new favorite quote I hear "What the world????" come from him. Maybe I'm losing my mind but these looked like two right shoes- not a right and a left.
Since I'm sleep deprived due to the new baby I thought it would be best to get a second option. "Do these look like two right shoes to you?" I asked my husband. He agreed they were and we just stare at each other with bewildered smiles and think "How can this happen?"
You see- the shoes are about 2 months old. We've both helped him put them on and there was ALWAYS a right and a left.
We thought and thought on the way to church. We jokingly started to think of possible flyers we could post around town "Right Seeking Left"..... "Size 9 Searching for Perfect Partner" ...."Seeking a SOLE mate" :o)
My husband finally said "It had to be from Wednesday night" We are taking a parenting class at church on Wed nights and all the kids go to a play area where they take their shoes off. Of course! But what are the odds that some little boy just happened to have the exact same shoe as Nathan in the exact same size and they accidently switched one shoe? And poor Nathan- since Wed we have been making him stuff his left foot in a right shoe and we had no idea!
Somewhere out there was a mom wondering how her son has two left shoes. Would we ever meet? Did she notice or was her little boy still walking around stuffing his feet in the wrong shoes?
There are several things that go on at our church Wed nights and I knew the odds were against us in ever figuring this out. Our church has over 5,000 people!
We get to church and I find my friend Andrea who is the Early Childhood Leader and I said "Here's a crazy Lost and Found story for you...we go to put Nathan's shoes on this morning and"
"DO YOU HAVE TWO RIGHTS?" She interrupts. "I know who has the lefts!"
She put me in contact with the mom with the Lefts (Hi Leslie!) Turns out they are in our Wednesday night class :o)
So the shoes have been switched back. What a fun memory and something that made us scratch our heads on a Sunday morning.

In the end...I think this whole thing was a ploy so Nathan could wear his crocs to church on Sunday :o)
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