Luke 3 days old...

Luke 3 months old...

~Nathan will have his first REAL birthday in 2012. He was born on leap day, Feb 29th 2008. I'm excited we'll be able to celebrate on the 29th! It's a Wednesday so we can't have his party that day- but we plan to take off work and have a "Nathan Celebration" type of day.
~I think I'm just going to put the mini 4 ft Christmas tree up this year. I'll miss the big tree with the matching colors but I just feel too tired to get it out. We're not having any holiday get-togethers here so not many people will see the house anyway. Plus the little tree is cute. We'll put mostly Halmark ornaments on it.
~Speaking of ornaments- it's kinda funny that they are common for gifts. Your tree isn't going to get any bigger. I guess eventually you'll just hang up some of the ornaments and not all of them. Right now we already have way too many and can't display them all. What happens when you end up with 10x's the number of ornaments that will fit your tree? Give them to someone else with too many ornaments? lol.
~This is a pet peeve of mine. Why do interstate signs have a right angle corner yet the white border is rounded? There must be a reason for this madness...

~I can't stand empty hangers in the middle of a closet with clothes. I must take them all and put them together at the end of the clothing rack. Why? I have no idea...
~I am stuck at my prepregnancy weight. With Nathan I dropped weight like crazy while nursing. With Luke? Not so much. Although it could have to do with holiday food. Going to start my weight watchers journey in Jan! At least I lost the 20lbs I gained while pregnant- of course Luke was 7 1/2 of those :o)
~I love that we have a freezer in the garage now- I can buy things on sale and store them. I've yet to make large meals and freeze some. And it's a place I can store some of my 350 oz of breastmilk that I've pumped. tmi?
~Neither of my boys have clothes with their name or initial on them. But after seeing tons of cute blogs with babies with custom shirts it kind of makes me want something with a L for Luke and N for Nathan or with their first name.
~After lugging around the book I'm currently reading which is about 900 pages I really wish I had a kindle or something that I could store books on.
This is my recent read:

~My memory is weird. It used to be better than it is but since having babies I can't hold on to as much detail as I used to be able to. I can remember things like houses I went into once when I was 5- I could draw out the entire house. Things I experienced as young as 2 I remember. Crazy. And sometimes it's not such a good thing when it comes to bad memories. Nathan has my memory...he remembers EVERYTHING.
~I feel like Black Friday is crowding out Thanksgiving. I'm not a Black Friday shopper- I love to shop but the crowds and craziness is just not for me. I went once with my mom and aunts when I was in college and by noon I was begging them to take me home. But stores opening midnight now? Employees at those stores aren't getting to enjoy the holiday since they have to sleep before they go to work that night. Just makes me sad.
~I love meeting other people left handed. Feels like we have a special bond. Like we experienced the same issues in school. Couldn't use the scissors well in Kindergarten, couldn't write on dry erase boards without your hand/arm almost erasing what you are writing, had a hand completely covered in pencil lead from rubbing over what you have written, etc. It's not easy being
~I'm going to attempt to make homemade bread for the first time today- we'll see how it goes!
Have a great weekend (to the 3 people that read this!)
I'll try to get Luke's 3 month post up tomorrow.
That picture of 3-day-old Luke reminds me of Josh Hartnett.
ReplyDeleteOh, Black Friday. I'm actually considering going out for it, at least to base. Never done it...maybe never will again if I do this time.
Ornaments...I've always thought it's weird to get Christmas ornaments as gifts for Christmas because you only enjoy them for a few days before storing it for the next ~11 months. We (Mom) never had too many that we couldn't put them all up. We (in Oklahoma) don't spend Christmas here, so I didn't do much decking the past couple years, but this year Andy's fam is coming for Thanksgiving, and we're having "Christmas" with them this weekend. I got a pre-lit fake pine garland to hang over an entryway in the living room, and I'm planning to put ornaments on that as our "tree."
And I don't know why I was compelled to write all about myself on your blog, but since I spent the time to write it, I'm going to post it!
Miss you, can't wait to see y'all at Christmas, when Luke will be 4 months!