Today was one of those days where everything was going well.
It was a perfect day at work and although it took me twice as long to get home due to traffic I was in a pretty chipper mood.
When I got home I asked Marcus to give Nathan a bath so I could do some quick housework. Number one on the agenda was to wash the cloth diapers so I put them in the washer, hit the rinse cycle, and turned my attention to another chore.
My goal was to do housework for about 45 mins, warm up left over pot roast, eat dinner together, and sit on the couch to watch a movie.
It was turning out to be a good evening and I was hoping to be in bed by 11:00pm.
The washer? Had other plans.
A minute after I left the kitchen I hear Marcus yell for me. Ough oh. What? I walk into the kitchen and find water evvvvverywhere. I had just left that room a minute ago and everything was fine!
The drain from the washer decided to slip out- leaving an inch of water in the laundry room and kitchen.
But not just water. Poopy Pee Water! I was rinsing Luke's cloth diapers and THAT's what drained.
Immediately I felt all the energy drain from my body.
I would have to pull the washer and dryer out to clean underneath them. The towels that would soak up the water would need to be washed. And of course I would need to mop to disinfect the floor now (and my steam mop is clogged right now...) And this was right when I was on the brink of "me" time. You know what I mean? That little window of time at the end of the day to spend with your family? The time that I look forward to alllllll day. The time where I get to hold my new little baby who I haven't seen since 2am the night before.
:::sigh::: Well at least the bright side was....
where was the bright side?
I'm one of those annoying people that can always see the good in things. I think there is a purpose for everything and even when things go wrong I believe they happen for a reason.
So where was the bright side to this scenario and why couldn't I find it?
As I bent down behind the washer and cleaned the floor. As I got frustrated trying to reattach the aluminum dryer connector thingy. As I yelled (ok, told loudly?) to Nathan not to come into the kitchen since the floor was covering in poopypeewater. I kept searching for the glimmer of the bright side for all this while feeling my mood go from cheerful to sour.
What was wrong with me? Things like this usually don't ruin my day.
Was it due to the lack of sleep from the 2am feedings?
Maybe it was because last week Nathan scooped peewater out of the toilet and made puddles in his bedroom with it? (which led to me researching and buying a hoover steam vac in under 5 mins)
Or because the next day he decided to pee in the plastic drawer of his play kitchen?
Or because he CANNOT aim correctly so I'm left with a bathroom floor that needs cleaning attention daily? (what's with boys and pee? I'm so over cleaning up bodily fluids!)
I KNEW something like this shouldn't ruin my day but somehow I let it. I let it get me down. I KNEW it was no big deal. I KNEW there are a billion bigger issues in the galaxy besides my poopypeewater kitchen floor. Yet I still couldn't muster that "ok let's just clean it up and continue with our day" go-getter attitude. And I felt guilty about my bad mood. And suddenly very tired.
I eventually gave up trying to attach the annoying aluminum connector thingy to the dryer and decided to go ahead and sit down with Nathan and eat dinner.
When I sat down to eat with him, he gave me the sweetest smile and said the following without stopping for a breath... "Mommy, how was your day at work? I love you. When I get bigger I'm going to marry you. Look Mommy I can move my brownies (eyebrows) up and down now" and he continued showering me with the sweetest things a little 3 year old boy could say to his mommy.
Ahhhhhh. There is was. My bright side.
Ok maybe not a bright side to this situation but a reason to make me smile. My sweet son who I love.
And I thought to myself "Don't feel guilty, we're all allowed to let a trivial situation ruin our day sometimes" Aren't we? Aren't we allowed to let a little bump in the road feel bigger than it is at the moment? Deep down- we know we're blessed beyond anything we could ever imagine. Food. Shelter. Family. Children. Jobs. I'm beyond blessed. And I know that. And I KNEW that when I was in a bad mood.
But sometimes knowing it and feeling it are two different things.
I'm thankful for my oldest son who knows when I need a smile and tries to cheer me up. And I'm thankful for my youngest son who's cute little tushy is responsible for pooping and peeing in the cloth diapers that contaminated my floor.
They are my bright side.