Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Um yep just random crap

I have an over editing issue people. I write my blog posts and they sound normal (well as normal as it's gonna get) and they flow and are easy to read.

But then then THEN...I read it. And change it. And change it again.

It's something like this....

"Let's switch that word for this word."

"That phrase sounds funny- let me fix that."

"It is effect or affect? Who ever gets those right? Or is it whom...? Ack!"

"Whoa whoa whoa- was I trying to be funny? :::face palm::: Delete delete delete."

"Oh I forgot to add this to the story! Hmm should it go here or there?"

Before long I've tweaked (or twerked? I don't even know what that word means and it's everywhere lately- and I don't care enough to look it up) the blog post so much that it's just not all flowy anymore.


It is a problem. 


Let's talk about wit shall we? You either have it. Or you don't.

I don't.

At least I don't think I do.

Making fun of myself? Sure. Making my best friends die laughing? Sure. Wit? Nope.

However I adore it. And want it. And therefore gravitate towards all things witty while I'm a little green with envy because it's just...yeah. It's funny as heck.

Same as sarcasm. I am incapable of it in speech. I butcher it in the written word because I try it but I'm not good at it. So people that use it are hilarious to me cuz I just can't.

Unless it's overused and then they just seem mean.


Yeah I'm not editing this post as all so this is what happens when I just let it all go. Pretty sure this is going to be the worst post of all time.


Did you know the stem of a pumpkin used to be a flower?


After working at a dental office with no receptionist for four years we finally got a receptionist!!!!! Cue angels singing.

You have no idea how amazing it is to finish with an appointment and shoo my patient to the front desk and then be able to get ready for my next patient. 

When we had no receptionist I used to have to deal with the money, phone calls, scheduling my patients and their uncle's friend's great nephew's dog for a teeth cleaning too. So yes, it's a luxury to have more help and be able to focus on my job. Also helps keep me from running behind schedule (which I can't stand) and allows me time to pump at work.


Speaking of pumping. My baby is sleeping through the night (8 hrs straight). Yeah. No joke. Started at 5 weeks! I mean...what baby does that? It's wonderfully insane. And now that I'm back to work full time with 3 boys- thanks kid- I'll take it.

Of course now that I typed that he'll be up all night.

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