Thursday morning I was about to leave the house for work when my mom called. She said "I don't want to alarm you but..." (of course that is alarming to hear from the person caring for your children!) I said "...but what? tell me?" and she said Luke had blood in his diaper this morning, about a quarter sized spot.
My heart immediately began to race. Why? What in the world would cause a 3 month old to have blood in his diaper? She said it wasn't a bowel movement just a wet diaper and from where the blood was on the diaper it was coming from his boy part. (we use the proper terms in our house for things but since this is the internet we'll use the term "boy part")
I called my boss and told her what was going on. She's a mom of 3 and my CEO has 2 kids so they are both very understanding when it comes to mommy stuff. I took the day off and left the house to go to my mom's to get Luke.
On the way there I prayed a little. I couldn't pray a lot since my mind was kind of all over the place and it was hard to concentrate. I'm not the type to freak out and I wasn't really- just concerned. I knew most likely he was fine. And of course- it's always like a flood of peace to my soul when I remind myself the God is truly in control.
Also on the way there I called the doctor and made an appt for 10:45. When I was at my mom's house I explained to Nathan that Marcus would be there later that day to get him and he gets to spend the day with Grandma. He was pretty excited about that :o)
I changed Luke before we left and there again was blood right where he peed. Nothing appeared to be wrong. No redness. Nothing. Just urine with blood mixed in.
I love our pediatrician. Nathan loves him too and I know Luke will. I never feel rushed during appts and he always truly listens to what I say. After examining Luke he said it would be best to send him for a kidney ultrasound and urine analysis. I changed Luke again before we left and once again there was blood- but much less this time.
They made the appt for 2 hours later at the hospital. The doctor office is right down the road from the hospital so I thought it would be best to stay in the area instead of driving all the way home. We went to Chick-fil-A and I ate and fed Luke. I was mad at myself for drinking left over tea from QDoba that morning because the caffeine had me shaking! (I always forget tea in restaurants is caffeinated since I made decaf tea here)
I asked Marcus to come meet us. I didn't really HAVE to have him there but I kind of just wanted the emotional support. He was pretty busy with work but dropped it all to come be with us.
At the hospital we went first for the kidney ultrasound. It was weird seeing my baby get an ultrasound! I was just getting one 3 months ago to look at him! He stayed very still during the ultrasound and just kept smiling at the technician. He's such a flirt!

I didn't know if she could give me the results but I asked anyways. She said she didn't see any problems but the ultrasound just checks for size, inflammation, backed up urine etc. But I was glad she didn't see any issues.
I changed Luke again right after the ultrasound, his diaper was very full but this time no blood!! I was glad to see that but still concerned about what caused it.
Next was the urine analysis. How do you get a urine sample from an infant? Well- they attach a little baggie to them under their diaper. Hmm- who knew? So now we just had to wait for a sample. I thought it might take awhile since he had just filled his diaper 10 minutes earlier.
So we took Luke out to the waiting area and I just nursed and nursed him hoping it might speed up the process. 10 mins later he had given them twice the sample size they needed! Go Luke!
They took the baggie off and said they would try to get the results in by later that day or in the morning.
Now all we had to do was wait!
There was a women's event at church I was planning on going to and I decided I should still go. Luke was acting ok, there wasn't any more blood in his diaper and there was nothing we could do except wait on the results. So I went home to get ready and Marcus took Luke to go pick up Nathan.
(So in the middle of this crazy day I ended up having 2 hours at home alone. ALONE! What did I do with that time? I made a video showing how to make 3D snowflakes. I'll have to post that soon!)
Friday I called the doctor but they didn't have the results yet. Then last night at 8pm the doctor left me a voicemail (my phone had died so it was charging in the bedroom when he called) saying that all the results were completely normal, just to keep an eye on him for anything unusual and to call if there was blood again. Apparently the urine sample didn't have any blood in it- which makes sense since the diaper before hand didn't have any either.
Just a fluke? Probably. I'm hoping he never has that problem again. And if he doesn't we'll never know what caused it. That's ok with me. I don't need to know. I just want a healthy happy little baby boy- and that's what God has blessed me with :o)

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