(Well...besides a human being born 9 months later...)
Luke was screaming in the car. He's been crying a lot more lately. I think he senses this change that is coming to our family very very soon (a few days actually). He will no longer be the baby although he'll be
my baby. I know in an instant my 23 month old who still looks so small will look like a giant compared to the 7-8lb wrinkly newborn we bring home (not to mention my 5 year old will look practically like an adult)
I haven't really paused to think too much on how this will change Luke's life. One reason is because I just don't want to go there...because
"there" will end in tears. Another is that I know another sibling, a younger brother, is the best gift I could ever give Luke. It was amazing watching Nathan go from only child to a big brother and I know it will be the same for Luke although he's much younger than Nathan was. We're giving him another best friend, another partner in crime. So there is no reason to be sad that Luke's childhood is about to change and he isn't going to be the baby for as long as we planned (we always wanted a third child but God's timing was a little sooner than we expected!)
Luke's in the midst of toddlerhood. The crying for no reason. Well...no reason that I can decipher. The "not sure what he wants." The wanting to be held but not wanting to be held but wanting to be held again.
And while he was screaming in the car today on the way to the park because he didn't quite get his nap out it dawned on me how much I completely
get him right now. Pregnancy and toddlerhood are quite alike.
Lately hormones have dropped me in a place stuck between "I could (and do) easily get mad over the stupidest things" and the "I'm about to cry for no reason". It helps a small bit that I at least know
why I feel the way I do but I'm sure knowing the reason doesn't make it easier for my family to deal with me.
I thank God for forgiveness because I've been dowsed with it a lot lately- from Him and from my family...even the dog. It sounds like I've been horrible when I know it's probably much worse in my head. I've still been sharing lots of giggles and tickles with the kids and laughs with my husband. But I think it's the sudden changes in mood that not only scares myself but them as well. Like when my husband just sweetly touched me the other day while I was standing in the boys door frame checking on their small sleeping forms before we head to bed. He touched me and I swear I almost punched him. It scared both of us and might have been the first time he ever thought I could "take him." Ugh- hormones.
It'll get better but it will change first. The hormones will stay for as long as I breastfeed which will be a good long while.
Maybe in a few years if I'm a good girl I can graduate from being a toddler to being a big girl...but meanwhile can I get away with throwing myself on the floor in the middle of the mall if the store doesn't have the shirt I want on sale? Kidding :)