I feel like I don't have anything interesting to say.
No cute stories. No pics. No neat DIY's. Just...yeah. Hence- no blogging.
Also, Marcus has been out of town for about a week and a half for work so I've been extra busy with work, kids, after work stuff, weekend stuff...life.
I told my kids they weren't allowed to get sick while Marcus was away because I had no sick time left and wouldn't be able to care for them. The littlest one didn't listen to me and got a fever this week. I'm super duper grateful for my aunt who was able to stay with him so I didn't miss any work.
I do have vacation time I could have tapped into if it was absolutely necessary- however if I did I wouldn't be able to be off for a week for Christmas and having worked for over a year with not one week off I really really want to be able to spend a week with my family.
Marcus flew home last night and Luke was well this morning so after a few errands we took the kids to daycare and had a date day :o) We ate an early lunch and then went to see Breaking Dawn 2- it was really good. We enjoyed it and I think they did the whole series really well by following the books pretty closely. We read them (technically
I read them
to Marcus since he doesn't read novels but enjoys being read to) back before they were
all that (do people still say that?) Kristen Stewart actually had to act in this one since the whole "oh I'm just a clumsy human so in love with a vampire" act wouldn't quite cut it this time. I think she did a good job but I do think she's doomed to forever be "Bella".
Did you know Stephanie Meyers also wrote another stand alone book that's being made into a movie? It comes out next Spring? It's called "The Host" and although it's completely not the type of book I usually read I really enjoyed it and I hope they don't botch the movie. It's one of those books where you read the synopsis and it sounds so stupid but then you end up completely caring about all the characters.
Speaking of reading...I'm in a rut. I LOVE reading. I don't remember taking a break more than a week or so from reading until these last few months. I haven't really read for about 2 months. I'm actually in the middle of a book that I like...but I just don't feel like reading. Maybe it has to do with me having a kindle now? Maybe I miss holding an actual book? (boohoo,
I know, so sad I have a kindle hahahahaha)
I'm in a reading and blogging rut. Anyone been there?
Marcus and I agreed that 2013 is going to be our year of change. Changing habits, changing lifestyles, changing diets. We're going to get active and stay active and get healthy. I want to be an active family. A family that
moves. I want us to be around a long time for our children, our grandchildren, and hopefully our great grandchildren.
I move a lot at work but I don't do any cardio. Marcus has a job that it solely on the computer and only gets up to go to the bathroom or to eat= not much moving. Both of us have metabolisms that work against us rather than for us.
Yes I lost about 30+lbs this year but that's mostly from breastfeeding. And although we're continuing with that I know my body. I know that the first year after I have a baby it's freaky and weight melts off me. I also know that the next year it comes back on and then some. Not this time. Nope. I've dealt with preeclampsia twice already and when we choose to have another child I want to be healthy before and during the pregnancy to decrease the chance of it happening again.
Anywho. Hopefully I start blogging again and get out of this funk. I even have a few posts written that need a little tweaking but haven't got around to it yet. I know not many read this other than family and a few friends but I enjoy blogging. I like looking back on old posts or letting my brain spill out here. So for my sake...I hope to be back soon.
Meanwhile...enjoy this holiday with your family. I will be making my first Thanksgiving meal for mine and I look forward to it.
(I know I said I didn't have any pics to share but I had to post this one from today. We were at Luke's helmet appt and the boys just looked so cute sitting together!)
If anyone feels like commenting...tell me what your favorite dish to eat/make on Thanksgiving is!