-Luke got his helmet about a week and a half ago. He's now wearing it 23hrs a day and honestly- I hate it. But it's necessary so we'll all deal with it. It makes his head stink like dirty feet even though I wash him and the helmet daily. My arms have bruises from nursing him with it on. Have you ever put a costume on a dog? Yanno how they freeze, hang their head low and glare at you like "what in the world did you just put on me?"- yep- Luke looked like that every time we put it on him for the first week. He's being a good sport though adjusting to it and I'm proud of him :)
-We finally started Luke on real food. It's not going so well because he likes to spit. A lot. So with him it's more about spray "painting" mommy with squash and sweet potatoes. Slowly but surely!
-The boys started daycare three weeks ago. I could and probably will write a whole post about it. The first week Luke ended up with a fever, pink eye and a ear infection. The second week Nathan was very ill with a stomach bug. This week? So far, so good. It's all about building their immune systems right? :) My sick time at work is now completely gone so there is a lot of praying for health in this household. If I could stay home with them- I would. But I can't so this is where we are. One great thing that has came from our new daycare situation is that I get to see the boys in the mornings now! I get Luke up at 6:30am with me and sit on the couch to nurse him while I eat Greek yogurt and read the bible. It's become my favorite part of the day- and that says a lot because I am NOT a morning person.
-I thought I was losing my mind for about 3 days because every time I looked at my SUV I thought my license plate had changed. The first time I noticed it I was in a parking lot and thought it was someone else's car. I was really confused. I had my license plate memorized and the set of letters and numbers on the back of my vehicle in no way resembled the combination that was stored in my brain. Finally- I hesitantly told Marcus that I must be losing it and my mind was playing tricks on me. He said "I told you I changed your license plate last week"- yep- should have listened but obviously I didn't. I guess I'd rather be a bad listener than lose my mind though right?
-Luke has 3 teeth now. Let's just say "momma no likey" :(
-Nathan has this sneaky way of walking when he's trying to be quiet if Luke is sleeping. It's like in silent movies when someone is trying to sneak up on someone else. Little does he know that he's actually louder when be does it. But it's hilarious- I have to work really hard to hold my laugher in when he does it. Hehe I love that boy!
-I am very very grateful that I have one weekday off each week. The only down side is I have to cram everything into this one day. This week on that day Luke has a helmet fitting appointment, a physical therapy appointment, and his 6 month well visit/ear infection follow up appt. I've never been this busy and this is with no "extracurricular activities". We serve in the nursery at church but other than that we're not involved in anything and yet- so busy. How do people do it with more than 2 kids? Or single parents? Take each day as it comes I guess and rely on God.
-We've lived here for going on 3 years and our landscaping is horrid. The inside of our house is very welcoming but the 2 feet tall grass right up against the side of the house screams "get away!" (my husband does mow- but the side of our house has siding and a weedeater would destroy the siding- that's what happened when our neighbors tried it with their house) We just haven't got around to doing anything about it. It's been low on the priority list. Our poor neighbor's work so hard on their yard and they have to look at ours. They're retired though so they do have more time. However- after thinking about the creatures that could be taking up residence against the side of our house and getting totally creeped out- we decided we're going to do our landscaping soon and put a border around the house. I'm thrilled. I look forward to taking care of the outside of our house more and making it lovely- and a place we would want to spend more time :)
That's it for now! I think of topics all day long I would love to blog about- but when the end of the day approaches I am usually out of energy to do so. Yet I know there are working moms out there that blog- I wonder when they do it. Maybe I just need to take up coffee :)